Red Octopus Screenprinting


Red Octopus Tree Planting Program

For every screen printed t-shirt order placed Red Octopus will fund the planting of at least one native Australian tree , through the Carbon Neutral tree planting program.

We believe it's the responsibility of us all, on a personal, business, and government level, to take care of our environment.

Climate Change is a real concern, and one of the most powerful ways to combat that is through reforestation.

By placing your next order through Red Octopus you are helping to improve the longevity of life on this planet! Good work , you! 

Contact us for more information, or to place that order.


About the Carbon Neutral reforestation project:

The Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor plantings, using native Australian trees and shrubs, are helping to join small patches of remnant vegetation.  Besides the all-important role of sequestering carbon from the atmosphere, the trees and shrubs help to reduce salinity, water and soil erosion, and provide habitat for the endangered Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo, Malleefowl and other threatened flora and fauna. Trees are planted in 1 of only 35 globally recognised biodiversity ‘hotspots’.  ‘Hotspots’ cover just 2.3% of the land mass of the planet but support more than half the world’s most irreplaceable and threatened biodiversity.

More than 50 different species endemic to the area are planted and all the plantings are protected by a 100-yearCarbon Rights and Carbon Covenant.  This ensures they are not going to be cut down for ‘a lifetime’.   

This reforestation project more than removes carbon from the atmosphere now and every day; it has positive social, environmental and economic benefits, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

